Being Intentional In Our Response Toward Unbelievers

It is always wise and beneficial for us to keep in mind two important realities about us as Christians. First we should never forget what we once were. We should remember the kind of life (lifestyle) that we used to live before we met Christ. Second, we should never forget that God had mercy upon us when we were ensnared by our sin and its consequences. God did not wait for us to change before he showered his grace and mercy upon us. Remembering these things fosters both humility and thankfulness. We are now what we are only because of God's grace that delivered us from our sin.

Sermon Details

Date: Jun 23, 2013
Category: 2013 Sermons
Series: 1 Peter 2:9-17 / Titus 3:1-2
Speaker: 1 Peter 2:9-17 / Titus 3:1-2