Shepherds and the Flock: Part One

Paul charges these elder-shepherd to give careful attention to how they shepherd the church. They are to be fully engaged in the task of shepherding the flock. First they are to do this by paying attention to themselves. This means that each one is to be personally concerned for their own walk as a believer but it also means that they are to shepherd one another – they are lovingly to hold one another accountable and to care for one another. They need to keep the team thriving and functioning. Second and most importantly they are to pay the same kind of attention to “all the flock.” Each sheep, each lamb is to be under the watchful attention of the elders. The reason they are to first watch themselves is so that they might faithfully carry out the shepherding ministry for all the flock.

Sermon Details

Date: Jul 28, 2013
Category: 2013 Sermons
Series: Acts 20:17-38
Speaker: Acts 20:17-38