The War Within

Pride is the presumption that we can be happy without depending on God as the source of our happiness and without caring if others find their happiness in God. Pride is the passion to be happy contaminated and corrupted by two things: 1) the unwillingness to see God as the only fountain of true and lasting joy, and 2) the unwillingness to see other people as designed by God to receive our joy in Him. If you take the desire to be happy and strip away from it God as the fountain of your happiness, and people as the recipients of your happiness, what you have left is pride. Pride is the pursuit of happiness anywhere but in the glory of God and the good of other people.John Piper

Sermon Details

Date: Mar 13, 2016
Category: 2016 Sermons
Series: James 4:1-12 / Luke 8:14 / Romans 7:21-25
Speaker: James 4:1-12 / Luke 8:14 / Romans 7:21-25