The Word Comes Into the World As Life and Light

The One who is the true light of life has come into our world. He has come to give us both life and light. He has come to overcome both darkness and death. The only begotten Son of God has come to make us adopted children of God in whom this life is imparted in a new supernatural birth. Christmas reminds us that the Word has come so that we might believe in him and by believing become children of God. Darkness naturally abides in our hearts blinding us to this one who has come into the world. Even though our culture celebrates Christmas most miss its meaning. Yet the very fact that Christmas is celebrated speaks of the power of this light that still shines upon us.

Sermon Details

Date: Dec 09, 2012
Category: 2012 Sermons
Series: John 1:1-13
Speaker: John 1:1-13