Watching and Exhorting One Another Toward a Vital Faith

The life of the children of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land is meant to provide Christians with valuable lessons. This is certainly the point that Paul makes in 1 Corinthians 10 and what the writer of Hebrews stresses in chapters 3 and 4 of his letter. Basically we are urged not to imitate them. For the most part they failed to live by faith in the presence and in the pronouncements of the Lord. Their overall way of handling their circumstances was from a heart of unbelief. This was the root cause for their ungratefulness, their grumbling, their immorality and eventually their falling away from the living God.

Sermon Details

Date: Feb 09, 2014
Category: 2014 Sermons
Series: Hebrews 3:1 - 4:2
Speaker: Hebrews 3:1 - 4:2