Where We Continually Receive the Cleansing of Christ’s Blood

"The Protestant Reformers recognized that if you start with a human-centered “gospel,” you will need human-centered methods. Even the ordained sacraments can become means not of divine grace but of human striving. Just as Charles Finney looked for “excitements sufficient to induce repentance,” Rome offered various strategies for obtaining remission of sins through penance. The Reformers, by contrast, recognized the logic of Paul in Romans, especially chapter 10. In that chapter, Paul says that there are two answers to the question, How can I be reconciled to God? One answer is “the righteousness which is by works,” the other is “the righteousness that comes through faith in Christ.” One is founded on our zeal for God, the other on God’s zeal for us and for our salvation." MIchael Horton

Sermon Details

Date: May 10, 2015
Category: 2015 Sermons
Series: 1 John 1:1 - 2:2
Speaker: 1 John 1:1 - 2:2